MindWell KickOff Event – Reflection, Restoration, Re-emergence

MindWell Presents: Reflection, Restoration, Re-emergence. 3:15PM - 4:30PMJoin us at the Outdoor Amphitheater in the Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Gardens at 707 Tiverton Drive as we create a safe space for pod members who […]

MindWell KickOff Event – Reflection, Restoration, Re-emergence

MindWell Presents: Reflection, Restoration, Re-emergence. 3:15PM - 4:30PMJoin us at the Outdoor Amphitheater in the Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Gardens at 707 Tiverton Drive as we create a safe space for pod members who […]

Virtual Drop-in Meditation

Mindful Awareness is the moment-by-moment process of actively and openly observing one's physical, mental, and emotional experiences. Mindfulness has scientific support as a means to reduce stress, improve attention, boost […]

Virtual: Mindful Awareness Meditation

These free weekly drop-in sessions usually take place in the Hammer’s Billy Wilder Theater but are now offered live online via Zoom.Mindful Awareness Meditation is the moment-by-moment process of actively […]

Eatwell Pod Monthly Meeting


October 2021 Eatwell AgendaKindly note that we will be recording the zoom meeting, you can read our notice of filming and photography here. Join Zoom Meetinghttps://ucla.zoom.us/j/92366924404Meeting ID: 923 6692 4404One tap […]

Virtual Drop-in Meditation

Mindful Awareness is the moment-by-moment process of actively and openly observing one's physical, mental, and emotional experiences. Mindfulness has scientific support as a means to reduce stress, improve attention, boost […]

Virtual: Mindful Awareness Meditation

These free weekly drop-in sessions usually take place in the Hammer’s Billy Wilder Theater but are now offered live online via Zoom.Mindful Awareness Meditation is the moment-by-moment process of actively […]