- E3: Ecology, Economy, Equity: Check out the largest environmental organization at UCLA who seeks to create a system that incorporates environmental responsibility, economic viability, and human justice.
- Community Service Groups: Join a community service student group at UCLA.
- Creative Minds Project: Apply to the Creative Mind Project to use art as a vehicle for wellness at local mental health agencies.
- Random Acts of Kindness: Join Random Acts of Kindness at UCLA and promote small, yet frequent genuine good deeds on campus and in the local community.
- UCLA Art & Global Health Center: Volunteer through the UCLA Art and Global Health Center to promote wellness through the arts.
- UCLA Health and Volunteer Services: Volunteer through the UCLA Health System.
- Green Living Guide: Read up on the Green Living Guide provided by UCLA Sustainability to do small things everyday to make a big difference.
- See a project you’d like to get involved in? We’d love your help!
- Email us at mindwell@ucla.edu.
- Become a Resilience Peer: The Resilience Peer Network (RPN) is a collective of UCLA undergraduate and graduate students trained to support fellow students.
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