Entries by webteam

TEDxUCLASalon Resilience

By:  Lucy Tseng, MA, Event Organizer and UCLA Staff “The greater the force of your compassion, the greater your resilience in confronting hardships.” – Dalai Lama “Resilience is based on […]

Benefits of Journaling

Sometimes when you are going through a lot, whether it be in your academic, personal, or professional life, it helps to write it down. Now, this might sound like a […]

Presence: In Life and on the Page

As you all may know, May is National Mental Health Awareness month, which aims to reduce the stigma surrounding mental illness and to spread awareness about the importance of maintaining […]

Creativity & the Arts in Healing

10-year-old Kara makes a collage featuring a large bird standing on a branch of a barren tree with an arrow pointing its beak towards a strawberry, while a smaller bird […]