The MindWell pod aims to promote wellbeing, resilience, social connectedness, and creative achievement throughout the UCLA community.

Practicing Positive Psychology
In 2020, many of us found ourselves isolated and alone, separated…

Hygge in Quarantine
In early winter of 2020, I purchased Meik Wiking’s The Little…

Cultivating Equanimity
It is no secret 2020 was a turbulent year for most of us. Whether…

Finding Routine amidst Chaos
If you’re like me, you may have struggled to establish a routine…

Mental Health Literacy: Anxiety
1 in 3 college students report experiencing a diagnosable mental…

Do I Need a Hobby?
When you hear the word “hobby”, what do you think of? You…

Want Free Therapy? Try Nature
We know intuitively that getting outside is good for us. But…

The Clinical Corner: How cancer affects mental wellbeing in patients
Receiving a cancer diagnosis can be the single most terrifying…

The Roots of Eudaimonia: An Interview with Dr. Joseph Raho
UCLA is holding their third annual Eudaimonia awards on April…

Resilience on the RISE
Resilience (noun)
re·sil·ience | \ ri-ˈzil-yən(t)s

Healthy Minds and Healthy Hearts: An Interview with Kimberly Uehisa
While heart health is often overlooked by younger generations,…

Slime During Grind Time
On Friday, December 7th, members of the MindWell pod in the Healthy…

Taking a STAND for Mental Health at UCLA
The Depression Grand Challenge has taken many strides…

Meet Anusha Sadda, CAPS Student Advisory Board Member
Many people know about Counseling and Psychological Services…

Yoga in the Community: Meet Carina Marcellas and Yoga for Flexible Futures!
The Healthy Campus Initiative funds a plethora of research and…

It’s Yanni, okay? How an internet divide reflects the need for cultural introspection
How can we become more aware of ourselves while holding space…

Eudaimonia Honoree Spotlight: Peter Whybrow
For the second year in a row, the Healthy Campus Initiative is…

Eudaimonia Society Spotlight: Madison Feldman
Madison Feldman is a third-year undergraduate student at UCLA…

Eudaimonia Award Winner Spotlight: Louis Tse
Aristotle distinguished hedonia, the brief, fleeting happiness…

Psychology of Hate
We are experiencing an increasing level of hate in our society.…

How to Meditate
Have you ever thought of trying meditation but been intimidated…

Why Live Music Matters
Our Mindful Music team entered the Pediatrics Unit at the Santa…

Week 6 is for Mindfulness, are you up for the Challenge?
What is the Stop, Breathe, and Think MIndfulness Challenge?

How to stay grateful after Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving has come and gone; taking with it the feeling of…

Meditation Apps Review: For Your Finals Stress Relieving Pleasure
Week ten seems to have appeared upon us once again in the blink…

5 Tips to Creating Your Perfect “Snooze-List”
We all have that favorite pillow or sleeping position where our…

TEDxUCLASalon Resilience
By: Lucy Tseng, MA, Event Organizer and UCLA Staff

Benefits of Journaling
Sometimes when you are going through a lot, whether it be in…

Hidden in the Shadows: High-Functioning Depression
For the majority of my life, I had no sense of who I…

Presence: In Life and on the Page
As you all may know, May is National Mental Health Awareness…

Stop talking and say something: FacetheIssue.com encourages conversation to tackle mental illness
This May, as we celebrate National Mental Health Awareness Month,…

Filmmaker Louie Schwartzberg talks Visual Healing
By: Artemisia Valeri, MindWell Pod Coordinator of the Healthy…

Stop, Breathe, & Think Mindfulness Challenge
We’re just about halfway through the quarter, and midterms,…

For Metta World Peace, Living Well Matters
By: Vanessa Perez, MPH student at the UCLA Fielding School of…

Get Involved: Out of the Darkness Campus Walk
It’s the beginning of Spring quarter — with only eight weeks…

Creativity & the Arts in Healing
10-year-old Kara makes a collage featuring a large bird standing…

Exploring Mindfulness
I was first exposed to mindfulness when I started at UCLA. When…

How to Practice Self-Compassion
In the journey towards finding balance in your life, the practice…

Yoga and Yogis: You’ve Gotta Check it Out
In a place like Los Angeles, we hear about yoga almost everywhere…

Interview with a Certified Resilience Peer
Upon reading the title above, many questions may come to mind:…

The Many Benefits of Knitting
When we hear the word “knitting”, many of us think of sweet-looking,…

5 Non-traditional New Year’s Resolutions for the Body, Mind, and Soul
Every 365 days, a large, sparkly ball drops in Times Square,…

New Year, New You? Mental Health and New Year’s Resolutions
While the New Year appears to present a positive opportunity…

Expanding Your Perspective on Self-Care
In order to be a successful student, being healthy and…

8 Ways to Beat the Stress of Finals
Finals week signals the end of weeks worth of students’ hard…

Free Self Defense Classes at UCLA: Protecting the Mind and Body
What if…
Imagine walking back from a late night…

Perfectionism, Procrastination, and the Practice of Self-Care
For most of my academic career, I prided myself in being…

What to Eat or Drink in Class to Stay Awake and Focused
For many college students, the one thing we can’t seem to get…

Implementing Meditation into your Life: How to do it and Why you should
As a college student, there are so many things to think about…

Taking Care of Your Mental Health in College: 3 Common Challenges
College is often a wonderful experience for young men…

To judge or not to judge in mindfulness
By Lobsang Rapgay, PhD, research psychologist in the Department…

Beauty Inside and Out: Female Body Image and Mental Health
Every year, thousands of young women head off to college…

Mind Well Gives Students Tools to Address Their Mental Health
By Ross Szabo, Author Behind Happy Faces
Every week I read…

Play Explores Mental Health and Friendship With Beloved TV Show as a Backdrop
By Gene Gillespie
I get by with a little help from my friends…

Putting Your Brain First: 5 Mental Health Student Organizations at UCLA
The beginning of another school year brings opportunities for…

UCLA Health and Wellness Resources 101: A Guide for New Students
In addition to the Healthy Campus Initiative, there are many…

Tips to Fight Every College Student’s Worst Habit: Procrastination
If you are a UCLA student, you are probably all too…

The Health Benefits of Prosocial Behavior
Today, August 19th is World Humanitarian Day, which recognizes…

The best mental health book that isn’t a mental health book
The best health and wellness book I have ever read is not one…

Resilience in the Face of Tragedy
What can we do to heal from the events at UCLA on June 1? Our…

Wake Up, College Students: Here’s The Science On Sleep
Sleep is something we all love, so why do we constantly put it…

Sleep Deprivation Is No Joke
By: Carolanne Link, UCLA Undergraduate Student
Recently, I…

7 Strategies to Optimize Your Sleep Routine
Co-authored by David Baron, MD and the UCLA MindWell Team

Be on the Best Stressed List
By: David B. Baron, M.D.
I’m having a particularly stressful…

The stranger within: Connecting with our future selves
By Cynthia Lee
While we routinely make sacrifices for the people…

Did you see that story on the news last night?
By: Doug Barrera, Ph.D., Assistant Director, UCLA Center for…

“What is an artists’ book, exactly?”
By: Robert Gore, Visual Arts Librarian and curator of the artists’…

‘Cinemeducation’ – Mental Illness and the Movies
By: David Taylor, MD
Would you agree that movies reflect society’s…

Turn Your Assumptions Around about Left Brain & Right Brain
About the Author: Scott Barry Kaufman is a cognitive psychologist…

How do physicians get through the tough times?
By: Karen Miotto, Professor of Psychiatry in the Semel Institute…

Enlightened?—How can we all achieve well-roundedness and find contentment?
By Maxwell James
In the last three years I’ve spent at UCLA,…

Do you want to win the lottery? Chances are, you answered Yes.…

Use of Mindful Exercise to Promote Wellbeing
There is currently extensive use of complementary and alternative…

Picture This: Healing Trauma through Art
The creative arts therapies are uniquely effective in the treatment…

The Balancing Brain: Finding Harmony and Awareness
Jill Bolte Taylor's TED talk and book -- "My Stroke of Insight"…